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Thiensville Wisconsin Divorce Lawyers

In 2005, Money magazine ranked Thiensville, WI as one of the best places to live in the United States, but unfortunately, that doesn’t mean that residents of the area are immune to marriage difficulties. No matter where you live, if your marriage is struggling it’s important to know your rights and discuss your options with an experienced Thiensville divorce lawyer familiar with Ozaukee County divorce. To put it simply, not every marriage was meant to be and while divorce can be a traumatic thing, sometimes it is the best course of action.

While a divorce might be the only realistic solution in some situations, that doesn’t mean it is necessarily an easy thing to do. Divorce is tough, but you can make things easier on yourself and your children by choosing an experienced Thiensville divorce attorney to represent you in your divorce proceedings.

Making your way through a difficult divorce is a challenge both mentally and emotionally. The complex legal matters that characterize divorce require careful attention and a thorough understanding of the law to address effectively.

More and more individuals are choosing to represent themselves in their divorce proceedings. This increase in pro se litigants has put a considerable amount of strain on the family court system. In fact, in a Lewis & Clark College study, judges and family court personnel cited the rise in pro se litigants as the second most critical challenge facing the system.

There may be many things that you and your spouse can work out among yourselves, but it’s still best to proceed with a reliable divorce lawyer to ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible given the circumstances. As the saying goes: the best attorneys are the ones that keep their clients out of the courtroom. Bandle & Zaeske LLP’s Thiensville divorce attorneys will do everything in their power to keep your divorce out of the courtroom and get you the settlement you and your children deserve.

Sometimes, despite everyone’s best efforts, preventing a divorce from making it to the court room just isn’t in the cards. While there are plenty of divorce cases that proceed relatively amicably, there are plenty more that become hotly contested. In these cases having an agile and seasoned divorce attorney committed to protecting you and your children’s interests is indispensable.

While non-marital or personal property is typically protected during the divorce process, the division of other property and assets will have to be decided upon. The legal procedures surrounding the division process are complex and difficult to navigate without experience or training. An ill-prepared pro se litigant doesn’t just make the family court system’s job more difficult, it makes the likelihood of an unfavorable settlement or ruling much higher.

At a contested divorce hearing you must be prepared to present evidence and documentation that substantiates your claims about the division of assets and property. In Wisconsin, the court will begin your divorce hearing with the presumption that equal division is fair and proper. They may then amend that presumption by considering a number of factors including, among others, the length of the marriage, property owned by each spouse at marriage, each spouse’s earning capacity and previous agreements of the spouses.

Having a dedicated and competent legal representative on your side is the only way to proceed if you want any assurance that your interests will be suitably protected. With the financial well-being of you and your children at stake, the fate of your assets should not be taken lightly. It’s what makes seeking the guidance of an experienced and knowledgeable family law lawyer, like the Thiensville divorce attorneys at Bandle & Zaeske LLP, so important.

With the right Thiensville divorce lawyer working for you, you’ll probably be able to substantially streamline the divorce process. If things do turn adversarial, your family law attorney at Bandle & Zaeske LLP will be able to protect your interests and do everything possible to ensure you’re treated fairly and that the divorce is settled in a way which you can be satisfied with. 

Keep Your Divorce As Painless As Possible With a Thiensville WI Divorce Lawyer

Divorce isn’t an easy experience to go through, but it can be a necessity. It may not be enjoyable, but with Bandle & Zaeske LLP’s divorce lawyers, who have a track record of successful outcomes for clients on your side, you’ll be able to move on and live your life again as quickly and easily as possible.